Our trained cleaning experts carry out decontamination cleaning and sanitation using proven methods. making sure all Areas are deep cleaned by our trained professionals wearing sterile disposable overalls, hats, masks, gloves and protective footwear. After cleaning with sterilising chemicals, the areas are sealed and taped-off, ready for
Hospitals Our Coronavirus deep cleaning services can be performed across a number of commercial sites including
- Our Coronavirus deep cleaning services can be As a specialist company focused on difficult extreme cleaning, decontamination, waste removal and remediation, no matter the situation - we're ready to meet your cleaning challenge.
Our extreme cleaning service includes: deep cleaning, drug den clean-ups, fly-tipping clearance, graffiti removal, gross filth clean-up, hoarder clean-up, needlestick removal, odour management, clearance, void property cleaning.
Contact us for free advice and a no obligation quote.